Setting up the optimal Tableau Server configuration

Proper setup and planning are crucial to reduce downtime and ensure your analytics platform can handle business growth.

Estimating how often it will be used is key when planning your initial Tableau setup. Giving users access to the data they need helps them make better business decisions.

Over 50% savings on license costs

Reallocate licenses from inactive users to those who need them, ensuring that only active users occupy licenses.
Optimized resource allocation
for your team.
Seamless access
to Tableau Server for those who need it most.

Setting up the optimal Tableau Server configuration is crucial in several situations

Who Needs It and When?
  • High User Demand. Ensures smooth performance and quick response times for large numbers of simultaneous users.
  • Complex Data Workloads. Efficiently handles large datasets and complex analytics without slowing down.
  • Security Requirements. Meets strict data security and compliance needs to protect sensitive information.
  • Scalability Needs. Allows effective scaling as your data and user base grow.
  • Resource Management. Prevents bottlenecks by efficiently managing CPU, memory, and storage.
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Minimizes downtime and data loss in critical environments.

Optimizing and Scaling Tableau Server: CLEARBOX Proven Strategies

How It Works

Testing & Scaling

We have continually evolved our scalability practices to gather and test for workloads that represent realistic customer scenarios. Important factors to consider as you plan your deployment include:
  • User Impact

    Self-service usage and user adoption. How many users will be using analytics? How often will users employ analytics to make informed decisions? How complex are the visualizations that users are creating?
  • Data Impact

    Freshness, size, and location. How big is your data? Where is the data located? How fresh does the data need to be to accurately inform business decisions?
Test Modeling Steps
Analyzing Server Logs
Identifying Key Workbook Views
Calculating Relative Weights
Analyzing Visualization Loads
Determining Key Interactions
Model Verification
Categorizing Backgrounder Traffic

Key Practices for Optimizing Tableau Server Performance

Our Expertise and Best Practices

Design Efficient Workbooks

Ensure workbooks are designed with performance in mind to avoid slow load times.

Optimize Data Strategy

Use optimal joins and relevant levels of aggregation for fast queries.

Use Data Extracts

Store extracts locally to improve query performance and reduce database load.
Optimizing Tableau Server

Schedule Updates Off-Peak

Schedule data updates during off-peak hours to reduce load on the server.

Avoid Expensive Operations During Peak Times

Encourage users to publish large files during off-peak hours.

Cache Views

Enable caching to speed up response times for frequently accessed views.
Provided some tips on maintaining Tableau Server, which you can follow yourself:

Case Study: Optimal Tableau Server Configuration for a Healthcare Organization

Ensure scalability and reliability of Tableau Server to support an analytical culture in a large healthcare organization with 3,000 users.
Initial ConfigurationLoad DistributionPerformance
Number of servers: 3 nodesAnalytical tasks: 16 coresNumber of active users: 150 (5% of total users)
Processors: 32 cores (8 cores per server)Data refresh: 12 coresData refresh frequency: every 8 hours
RAM: 256 GB (64 GB per server)Reserve: 4 coresReport load time: 4 to 10 seconds for complex reports

Results & Conclusion:

• Support for up to 5,000 users with 414 active users on a 32-core server cluster.
• High availability: minimizing downtime through a distributed cluster.

This configuration allows our client to effectively scale Tableau Server, ensuring high performance and reliability as the number of users and data refresh frequency increase.

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